Wow, a non make-up related post. Yes, I do read. Books, actually. I try to read as frequently as possible, but unfortunately find that I don't read enough.
Thought I'd quickly share what I am currently reading in the form of a tag. Nobody tagged me, I am not even sure if this tag exists yet. Well, now it does.
I tag anyone who wants to do this tag.
Lets get started:
Jonathan Safran Foer - Eating Animals
I love Jonathan Safran Foer's writing style, so it wasn't really a surprise when I picked this book up. This book is about the meat industry and vegetarianism. I have gone through different stages of veganism and vegetarianism since the age of 16 and would ideally like to go back to being a vegetarian. Eating animals is not radical, but it's informative. So far I like it.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler - The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World
My b/f recently picked up the sequel to The Art of Happiness which was published some time in the late nineties (if I am not mistaken). It was the first book on Buddhism I read. This was a couple of years back.
The author Howard Cutler is a Psychologist and he interviewed the Dalai Lama intensively on happiness and how to achieve it from a Tibetan Buddhist view point. Both books are geared towards western readers and make it easy to get acquainted with Buddhist ideas and incorporate them into our day to day lives.

and last, but not least:
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now

This us Eckhart Tolle's first book on being present. I like it so far.
What are you currently reading?
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