Sunday, October 11, 2009

NOTD - You don't know Jacques!

My 1st OPI arrived today and I had to try it out straight away.
The verdict: 2 coats, dried fairly fast and I love the dirty taupe colour! Obviously.

Which other OPI colours can you recommend?


  1. Wow it looks great :) My favourite one is Hey! Get in lime! it looks exactly like MAC's Peppermint Patti :)

  2. I love their names! Will check it out! Can you recommend an international seller by any chance?

  3. Thanks Beth, I can only recommend it if you like dirty taupy colours!

  4. Nice blog :)

    I absolutely love Black Cherry Chutney - it's my favourite colour ever!

  5. Hi Maya, thank you for subscribing.

    My favorite colors are I´m not really a waitress and Party in my Cabana.

    Have a nice day!

  6. Nice blog! That colour looks really pretty on you, I'm loving taupey greys...I couldn't really recommend any OPI polishes since they aren't sold here, but if you go to their website, they have pretty good "swatches".
    Have a lovely weekend =)

  7. Thank you all for stopping by! Unfortunately this might be my only OPI for a while until I travel to Europe again or order online.

    But there are so many lovely shades out there!

    I did find a store that sells OPI in another town but it's way too overpriced.

    In my city I can find Orly and Essie. Might check them out and will post if I find anything nice.


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