I was really waiting for this collection to be released and was so happy when it was finally released here.
As I have crazy dental and passport renewal costs this month, I tried to keep my shopping spree to a basic minimum.
When I initially went, I only got the Sculpt & Shape in Accentuate Sculpt. I was however also eying the Bone Beige Emphasize one, as well as the Nude Rose l/s. But I was strong. Picked up the one item and left. Yes. I went home. I went home for 30 minutes, did further "research" and went back to pick up the two other items! :)
I know you can hardly tell the difference between the two sculpt & shapes. There are plenty tho.
Bone Beige Emphasize includes an off white highlight shade with a subtle sheen and a matte light warm brown with red undertones as a contour colour. This will be perfect for me during the paler winter months.
Accentuate Sculpt however is darker in colour and therefor more suitable for my tanned summer months. The highlight is a peachy beige colour and the contour has more of a greyish taupish undertone.
Both of these can be easily used for a simple eye make-up look.
Nude Rose is a very sheer, light pink lustre. I am kind of disappointed by its lack of pigmentation. But it is a gorgeous colour.
All in all, I am really happy with my purchase! I might go back next month to see if they have anything left of the Style Black collection.
Which items did you pick up?